Summer is finally upon us and I am gearing up for a few festival appearances. I'm going to be speaking at Sunrise Festival next week (my 'Reading the Codex' paper) and then at Pilton (that's Glastonbury Festival to non-locals) towards the end of the month ('Avatar, Shamanism and the problem with Magic Mushrooms'). In both cases I'll be in the Ancient Futures area. Very excited about going to Glasto again - haven't been for eleven long years. I can join the ranks of people wandering around, tutting, and saying 'It's not like it used to be'...
Hope to catch you there.
Meanwhile, here's a photo of me, out on a very pokey barrow near Wittenham Clumps, looking for clues for how to build an Ancient Future. I'll let you know when I've got the answer...
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